====== Breeding Gardens & Forests ====== With the AnE Breeding Seed you can create a Breeding Garden on individual parcels or a Breeding Forest on full sims; breeding Gardens and Forests increase your compatibility the more individuals that are present; host your own breeding event and watch your compatibility increase with each individual that attends! Gardens are searchable through the normal search method. You must rez the seed on the ground to setup; choose a location you would like users to teleport to (only applies if user has RLV enabled). You may only create a Breeding Garden or Forest on an **Adult sim**; you will not be able to continue otherwise. Ensure that you are the owner of the sim or parcel, else change the Breeding Seed group to match the one set for the parcel or sim. Once everything is set, click the item icon the HUD to find the “Breeding Seed.” You will be given options to designate a full sim or parcel location as a breeding Garden or breeding Forest. Breeding Forests require at least half a sim and applies to the whole sim where Gardens will apply to individual parcels (a sim can have multiple breeding Gardens, but only if it is not itself a Forest). After selecting the Breeding Seed, you will be given a series of dialogs to designate the location as a breeding ground; the first dialog will ask what type of breeding ground, typically this will be a Garden but if having an area at least half the sim, will give the option of Forest. If selecting a Garden, you will be given the option to list the Garden publicly before creating (Forests are public by default). The final dialog will confirm your settings and location, click the “Plant” button to accept; the AnE Breeding Seed will transform to indicate success. You may only use the seed once per Garden or Forest; but you may always reuse the item to update the location teleport point, parcel name, listing status, or delete the Garden/Forest. ---- ====== Setting up your seed is simple! ====== * **Step 1: Rez out the "Breeding Seed" Ensuring that you are the owner of the sim or parcel, else change the Breeding Seed group to match the one set for the parcel or sim.**\\ {{:seed.png?nolink&400|}} * **Step 2: Click on the Item finder on the left side of the HUD as shown below.**\\ {{:huditem.png?nolink&400|}} * **Step 3: Once the HUD has found the seed you can go ahead and select it.**\\ {{:menu1.png?nolink&400|}} * **Step 4: This menu will ask if you are wanting to set up a Garden or a Forest. (Gardens are for parcels or areas less than half a sim, while Forests are for half a sim or larger.)**\\ {{:menu2.png?nolink&400|}} * **Step 5: This menu will ask if you are wanting to list this location publicly through the search.**\\ {{:menu3.png?nolink&400|}} * **Step 6: Confirmation screen asking if you are wanting to plant the seed or cancel.**\\ {{:menu4.png?nolink&400|}} Once the seed is planted you are now done! Your seed should have sprouted a tree and you're free to pick up the item now. You are welcome to use the included sign to showcase how many AnE HUD individuals are using the system on your parcel/sim. If you ever change the name of your parcel or sim, want to remove the parcel or sim from public search, or even simply remove the parcel or sim altogether; all you need to do is simply rez the item back out and use the item search as before. The menu below will come up allowing you to do so. {{ :menu6.png?nolink&400 |}}