====== Conception ====== Conception requires that an incubator contains ovum, regardless if the ovum was inserted or generated (happens for any gender that is identified having a vagina, and at the end of ovulation period); compatibility is checked against each ovum based on several factor that are described below after receiving essence fluids: - Ovum species falls within a similar taxonomic level to that of the essence provided or was generated by user that has pre-forced compatibility with species that essence was provided from - Ovum class and form variance from essence provided will either increase or decrease compatibility but will not preclude conception - User is within a designated Breeding Garden - User is partnered with individual the essence was provided from {{anchor:compatibility}} ===== Species Compatibility ===== Species compatibility is actually checked against the eggs/ovum. Species are compatible based on their identifying species and their taxonomic classification if available which follows the order described here. If the species is exactly the same, the compatibility is 100% (this includes hybrids which currently are only compatible with the same hybrid species); otherwise, the species follow a hierarchical taxonomic classification scheme, with each tier starting from the bottom and going up in lowering the probability of compatibility.\\ Example: Fennec + Fennec = 100% Compatibility Fennec + Arctic Fox = 50% Compatibility (because they are of same Genus) When viewing someone's profile you will also get this Compatibility Summary which gives you a break down on your compatibility with said individual.\\ {{:sc.png?nolink&400|}} ==== Class/Form Compatibility ==== Both species must be of same class or same form to be compatible; to alter either the class or form of a birth becomes especially important during conception as the form will always remain that of the mother while the class is always changed by the father. Having your partner climax more than once increases your chances for conception. You typically will not know for a day or two if you are pregnant, but the timing is different for different species. === Genetics === Every partner that has bred or attempted to breed with you will permanently pass their genetics to you. You can view the number of partners that have attempted to breed you by viewing your profile genetics under Character > Profile > Genetics. {{anchor:probability}} ===== Conception Probability ===== Probability is calculated on the ovum rather than the individual; meaning that an individual may potentially be a surrogate mother of a different species, the compatibility is calculated against the ovum to host and the ovum to breeder combined. The maximum compatible probability is 100%; there are currently no boosters. The order in which probability is calculated and how is as follows, and stacks with each layer: (i.e. calculation for each of the numbered items below (except #4) if the values were 50%, 90%, 150% respectively; the total compatible probability of conception would be the base of **100%** multiplied by 50% * 90% * 150% = 67.5% total probability) Ovum source that is not from the same individual currently hosting the ovum,probability is calculated against the compatibility between species of the ovum and the host; if the species are the same, there would be no variation. (includes a partnered compatibility boost and any permanently forced and transiently forced compatibility at the time the ovum was generated) Ovum species is calculated against the individual species that is breeding (includes a partnered compatibility boost and any permanently forced and transiently forced compatibility at the time the ovum was generated) Sum of essence transferred by the breeder over a 5 day period is divided by the total amount of essence the uterus is holding and by the amount that particular species uterus expects (different species have smaller/larger uteruses). (This is the only compatibility calculation which allows a boost up to 200% to offset the previously calculated value; meaning more essence transferred, greater the probability) \\ ^Your Total Essence (over 5 days)^Uterus Total Essence (over 5 days)^Uterus Expect Essence^Efficacy Percent^Conception Probability Factor^ |15 ML|15 ML|30 ML|100 %|50 %| |15 ML|20 ML|30 ML|75 %|38 %| |45 ML|45 ML|30 ML|100 %|150 %| |45 ML|60 ML|30 ML|75 %|113 %| If probability is great enough for conception, the same probability value is checked against any potential hybrids that may be conceived between the two species (ovum and breeder); otherwise, the species will remain that of the ovum source species. {{anchor:competition}} ===== Conception Competition ===== Defines one of the steps in determining conception probability. Simple explanation of this is that the total amount of essence a male transfers to a female over a 5 day period is in competition with the existing amount of zero or more breeder’s essence that has also been there over a 5 day period, and thus affects the overall probability of any individual breeder’s essence of triggering a conception; the more of your essence that is present in the female compared to others, the greater the probability. Female species' expected essence is the amount of essence a female expects to receive from a male (Breeder) of the same species; it can be achieved by the male having full arousal and full essence at the time of climax. As an example, if your essence was the only essence in the amount of 70% the expected species essence amount, the probability would just be 70%; but if there was an additional 20% of other breeder essence (making the total essence 90% of the expected species essence), your essence is then 77% of the total (70% / 90% = 77%) essence (and therefore only has a 77% efficacy of your initial 70%) which brings the probability from 70% down to 54.4%. {{ :anevag.png?nolink&600 |}} Breeding an overly full uterus may start negatively affecting a female’s health level