====== Getting Started - AnE vSynth ====== This guide will help you with most basic functions of this system and getting setup for use! \\ Are you needing assistance with basic navigation? See [[operation|here]]. ---- ;#; **When you attach the HUD you will be in the "Lost Soul" state meaning you will need to create a character before taking advantage of the features of your purchase**. ;#; \\ {{ :getting_started:lost_soul.png?nolink&200 |}} ;#; **Once you click on the HUD you will get this pop-up menu:** ;#; \\ {{ :getting_started:action.png?nolink&400 |}} Everyone starts with 150 credits when you buy the AnE HUD. 20 of those credits would be for "Spawning" if you were wishing to create a new character from scratch! ---- \\ ===== Pop-Up Menu Structure ===== === Here is a run down of all the buttons within that menu and what they do. === * **Activate** - This option allows you to activate a character you have already created.\\ * **Settings** - This option allows you to change basic settings on the HUD, see here.\\ * **Assume** - This will create a new character that assumes the identity of a randomly selected birth from a randomly selected family. 10 credits required, see [[credits|here]].\\ * **Spawn** - This will begin the new character creation process, from scratch! Credits will be needed, see here.\\ * **Help** - Links to the wiki, discord, telegram. Standard help menu! Majority of you will probably be picking "Spawn" as it gives you the ability to customize your character more than predefined options from a randomly selected family. Further down will walk you through the steps of "Spawning" a character. ===== Choosing a Name ===== === As stated you are not required to specify a last name. === \\ {{:getting_started:name.png?nolink&400|}} ===== Choosing a Gender ===== === Here you have the option to choose any gender of your liking you best identify with. Below are descriptions of what these genders are. == \\ {{:getting_started:gender.png?nolink&400|}} * **Andromorph** - Organism with male physical characteristics. * **Female** - Organism that is biologically female, able to reproduce. * **Gynomorph** - Organism with female physical characteristics * **Hermaphrodite** - Organism that has both male and female biological parts. * **Male** - Organism that is biologically male, able to fertilize eggs/ovum of a female. ===== Choosing a Species ===== === Lets say you were a human; all you would need to do is type in human into the search bar as shown below... === \\ {{:getting_started:species_selection.png?nolink&400|}} \\ === Once you hit submit you will be brought to the selection screen. Here you can either choose an already created species or you can create your own with the "CREATE" button. In this case you can simply click on human since with this tutorial that is what we were wanting to select. === \\\ Wanting to create your own species? See [[char_creation|here]]. {{:getting_started:species_pick_one.png?nolink&400|}} \\ === In some cases a species you may type in may not exist and you will receive this menu instead. You can try the search again in case you may have misspelt something, or you can simply create it as it does not exist yet. Also by creating a new species you become the species owner. === {{:getting_started:none_found.png?nolink&400|}} Wanting to learn more about Species Owners? Take a look [[species|here]]. \\ ===== Character Overview ===== === If you had made any mistakes this is the time to make the changes else you may need to use more credits later on to do some tweaking, or contact a species owner to override something you may not agree with. You could also just create your own species all together and place your own values if you so desired. == {{:getting_started:character_overview.png?nolink&400|}} \\ ===== Are you Sure? ===== === You will be prompted twice as a make-sure-measure you are OK with what you have created. If so quickly navigate through them by hitting "Accept" and acknowledge you will be using 20 credits of your stipend of 150 you received when you bought the HUD. === ;#; More on credits [[credits|here]]. ;#; {{:getting_started:are_you_sure.png?nolink&400|}} \\ {{:getting_started:credits_charge.png?nolink&400|}}