====== Telegram Integration ======
{{:telegram-logo-computer-icons-telegram-logo-cfc6c213257c1fb0370da89e6c51078b.png?nolink&40|}}Telegram integration allows for interaction with inworld local chat and execution of commands to the HUD, and inter-HUD communication via the AnE Fertility HUD Telegram group; you do **NOT** have to have a Telegram account to use the inter-HUD communication feature, but you must have an account and linked with the HUD for inworld local chat and execute commands to the HUD.
**The Telegram group messaging is DISABLED by default.**
You can communicate with the group using the Telegram gesture by typing: /tg {and your message after}
If you wish to disable sending and receiving messages from the group, you can select **Settings** **>** **Services** **>** **Telegram** from the HUD dialogs and select **Group** to disable, similarly (if having the AnE gesture) you can type: /ane telegram-group off
To enable inworld local chat, you **MUST** have a Telegram account that is linked with the HUD.\\
You can go to **Settings > Services > Telegram** from the HUD dialogs and select Link to begin the linking process. You will be given a secret key in local chat which you will message the [[https://t.me/AnEHUDBot|@AnEHUDBot]] with; the link is successful when the bot greets you with your SL name.\\
After linking, to make use of the inworld chat, you must have redirect turned on (which also requires RLV enabled) and you **MUST** be wearing the RolePlayer! You can turn off the Telegram to HUD and HUD to Telegram chat relay without unlinking or removing the RolePlayer by typing: /ane telegram-chat off