Species Owner

Species Owner is an individual that has moderator rights to adjust values that extend beyond the Species Overriding and as such should exercise discretion in adjusting since changes affect all profiles of that species. Species Owners currently are defined at the time of species creation; moderation of the species is accessible from the main menu of the HUD.

Values that currently can be moderated are:

Species Stats

Stats are represented with percentages but their implementation is more involved than simply increasing or decreasing by a percentage. All stats are represented with points, the default being 1000 for each stat for every species as a baseline value. The baseline should be considered the average human expectation for vitality, defense, arousal, etc… vaguely meaning to use sensible values.

Values that currently can be moderated are:

An individual's stats can be affect by external sources using the aforementioned point value system; having any stat too low or too high will affect other stats and how AnE responds. If you are a scripter, you can procure a copy of the Builders Kit from the Marketplace.