
Command Line

You MUST have the AnE Gesture active to use the commands listed below. If you do not have the gesture, it can be acquired by clicking the HUD and select: Options > Extras > /AnE Gesture

To utilize the gesture, start every command in local chat with: /ane

  • mood {mood}
  • change-mood {mood}

Used in conjunction with the RolePlayer to display your mood with the [mood] tag.

  • away {away message}

Used in conjunction with the RolePlayer to display switch to away/inactive status with the option to display an away message with the [away:text] tag.

  • change-outfit {outfit name}

This command requires RLV enabled, you have to have an active profile, and the name of the outfit you wish to switch to; if the outfit does not exist for the character, you will get an error stating the outfit does not exist.

  • enable-characters {true/false}

Will enable or disable character and outfit switching provided that RLV is enabled on your viewer.

  • enable-redirect {true/false}

This allows any plugin to make use of the RLV capability to redirect your localchat text; specifically the AnE RolePlayer Plugin attachment makes use of this.

Make sure this is enabled before attaching the RolePlayer.

  • leave-character

This can only be executed in running state and will leave your current character to put you back into the initial (or Lost Soul) state.

  • reset-character

This will detach everything and reattach all attachments for your character including outfit.

  • strip-all

This will remove all outfit clothing and undergarments; and then attach everything under genitalia. (similar to strip-underwear)

  • strip-outfit

This will detach your outfit and attach your undergarments.

  • strip-underwear

This will detach all outfit and undergarments.

  • wear-outfit

This will detach any genitalia and undergarments and attach your current outfit.

  • reset-outfit

Resets your current selected outfit.

  • close-browser

This will close the media browser (in the event you accidentally closed the dialog :)

  • reset

This will reset the HUD and refresh the current state.

  • help rlv-shared-folders-module folders

This will display the folder structure needed in local chat to set up your shared-folders for RLV use.

  • help

This will show the Help dialog menu.

  • command_line.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/12/14 04:38
  • (external edit)