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AnE Fertility HUD is an all-in-one for Males, Females, Hermaphrodites, Andromorphs, and Gynomorphs; there is no alternate HUDs needed, everything is accessible from AnE.

The HUD has a dynamic RolePlayer (which at the moment is more of an elaborate Titler) that will put your character information above your head along with allowing for full customization on how it is displayed. Includes OOC and Away statuses built-in that can be used easily by typing: /ane away {OR} /ane ooc https://youtu.be/hAAtP9uTWl4

RLV Character/Outfit Switching The HUD allows you to easily switch your complete avatar when switching characters; you can even control it down to the outfit. Allows for clothing switch when removing for example “pants”; it will automatically attach “underwear” and when removing that automatically attach … well, you get the idea; can strip your partner during intercourse ;3 https://youtu.be/ehc5vxyVfeg

Join the AnE Fertility HUD family and build yours with us!!!

Newest Features:
- Pack Relations
- RLV Character Switching
- Region and Global Searching

BEFORE YOU BUY!!! If you can not find a family, there are options to choose Spawn; and if your species does not exist, contact creator to have it added in.

Wear the HUD right out of your received inventory; no need to unpack. HUD will attach to the lower center of the screen. Please glance at the Manual to understand the menus.

To become part of a family, you must be offered a position in the family that was made available by a recent birth. Births are the result of sexual intercourse between two individuals; therefore, accepting a birth offer as an entry point into a family thereby makes you a son or daughter of the individuals that offered the birth and extends the family tree another generation.

  • faq.1607100171.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/12/14 04:36
  • (external edit)