
Character Creation

Refer to Getting Started for more context as to what these next steps are! The following will guide you through creating an entirely new species that does not exist on the AnE HUD.

If a species you type in does not exist you can click on CREATE to start the process of adding it.

You'll need to confirm this is what you are wanting to do before moving forward.

Is the species you are wanting to add a Purebred or a Hybrid?

Hybrid meaning a mix of two or more species. (Example: Sergal and Dragon giving you a “Dragal”)

In this example going forward we will be selecting Purebred

Erroneous or inappropriate data entered may lead to loss of character or alteration of the classifications; please create with due diligence

What you place within the following menus will determine your compatibilities with other species. So please choose wisely, and do a bit of research.

See this website here for a bit of insight as to how this classification process is done. The chart below will be referenced during the following dialogs…the most common selections will always be the FIRST button within every dialog, but not every classification will exist for every species so bare that in mind; some research may be required.

Following examples will be referencing the Common Dog, what ever you choose you can use this as the example.

Following the chart above the Common Dog would fall under the Eukarya Domain, your species may fall under this or you may have to research what domain your custom species falls under.

Go ahead and select your Kingdom

Go ahead and select your Phylum

Go ahead and select your Class

Go ahead and select your Order

Go ahead and select your Family

Go ahead and select your Genus

Go ahead and select your Species

This is the last chance you can make any changes to the pyramid.

The following dialogs will walk you through setting up ovulation, ovulation period, ovum, gestation, growth period, uterus size, embryo size, live birth or egg birth... Please put thought into these values as it will determine the length of most conception's and the chances of it occurring.

See here for more information on species stats.

Select the name of the species

Ovulation - Minimum value must be at least 4.

Ovulation Period - Maximum period is 5 days.

Ovum - Maximum is 1.

Embryo Size - Minimum is 300, maximum is 1200.

Uterus Size - Average size is 60 ML

Live or Egg Birth

Gestation - Minimum is 1 day.

Confirm your entries before continuing!

Here you will be setting your Mother and Father names, make sure not to misspell them! Feel free to use online name generators if you are not sure and want it to be more unique.

Last names are not required.

Mothers Name

Fathers Name

Confirm the names

This will be the last and final time you will have an opportunity to tweak anything of your newly created species before CREATING it.

Creating a species does require CREDITS, see here for more information.
Also see here for further assistance with basic navigation and use of the system.

  • char_creation.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/04/23 17:47
  • by krysune